The Fuel Car…….

21 Dec

Hey Gang….

Well it’s about time to start a new project thread. So here’s the deal! It’s been about 6 years since my racing days ended and I kinda started getting the bug again. But this time it’s going to be different. I know that building another Race Car and going out to really compete is out of the question with my Wife and Financially it just doesn’t work. But I MUST have another Dragster…. I miss the days of walking out into the garage and staring at my ’68 Shoemaker Car…. Time for another one but what route to take??? I called up a long time racing friend to discuss the general idea and told him that towing down for the Cackle Fest deal would be a hoot! He agreed and said “Pick one and go for it!!”


The Beebe Bros, Vinson, & Sixt Car….









So the story begins…

I have had the July 1966 Issue of Drag Racing Magazine since I was a little boy and have always wanted this car… My Favorite of all time!!! The original car is now 100ft below the surface of the Earth in Australia so we’re going to need to start fresh. I will try to post as much as possible along the way and keep y’all in the loop. It won’t be as fast paced as my Shop Truck Project but it shouldn’t take too much time!

Follow Along Right Here!

Fire the next pair!


One Response to “The Fuel Car…….”

  1. Bob Honeybrook December 21, 2010 at 10:52 AM #

    Hi Robert you could not have chosen a better rail to clone it has a history second to none. I hope you pull it off and I hope to be at the CHRR when you cackle it. Good luck in your quest to recreate a piece of history, I will be watching from afar with great interest as it goes together. Best wishes Bobh

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