The way of the west…..

13 May

Hello Blog World!!

This little video popped up today on the wonderful world of FaceBook and I took a few minutes to watch and let it soak in…. It’s very timely as I just spent the entire morning playing hooky from work and picked the bones of one of the last remaining machine shops in the quaint little town of Healdsburg.  Here’s a few pics of the mechanized GEM that lurks within our town.

Colchester.... Very Nice...

Chips and Chains.....

Ready to make chips.....

We've got our work cut out....

Now, I will say that the shop has been out of service for quite some time but the whole place in its entirety is smack dab in the middle of town ready and waiting to produce machinery, and or repair things on a as needed basis! But there’s nobody around to do the work. Or is it that there is just not as much work anymore in our society of trash and replace with new?? Well who knows… But what I do know is this video is worth watching and it really hits home. Maybe it time to hang my shingle out a bit more and open my shop to more business? Healdsburg, do you need a machine shop again?


—-> VIDEO <—-

Robert M.

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